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Bodegas Roda: Rickshaw ride through the vineyard

The Sierra de Cantabria and the Cordillera Ibérica merge into the Obarenes mountains, a mountainous barrier only split by the Ebro river. In this area are the fields of Roda, where the Atlantic, the continental and the Mediterranean climate play capriciously.On this horse-drawn carriage ride from the winery to Perdigón, we will appreciate this climatic game that is the base of Roda wines. It includes the tasting in the vineyard of Bodegas Roda Sela and Roda Reserva as well as the extra virgin olive oils Aubocassa and L'Amo Aubocassa.Prior appointment essential.Minimum 4 people - Maximum 8 people.The performance of the activity is subject to weather conditions (from May to October).

Prezzo A partire da: 62.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English, French
Luogo Haro (La Rioja)
Durata  1 ore
Informazioni aggiuntive sulle date From Monday to Saturday. The performance of the activity is subject to weather conditions (from May to October).
Categoria dell'attività Vino e gastronomia, Visite a enoteche e degustazioni
Per chi? Families, Young people, Senior
Impresa organizzatrice Bodegas Roda
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