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Tradittions and legends of Seville

The magical city of Seville has many legends and tales throughout time and place that make travellers and even natives be surprised and travel to former times. Our object is to discover the city as well as to know about the mysteries within. We will see a hidden city but also nearby. Meeting point: Menéndez y Pelayo st. corner with Santa María la Blanca st. (Puerta de la Carne.)

Prezzo A partire da: 15.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English
Luogo Seville (Seville)
Durata  1 ore, 40 minuti
Informazioni aggiuntive sulle date Schedule: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11 a.m.; Mondays and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 pm
Categoria dell'attività Turismo urbano, Circuiti urbani
Per chi? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Impresa organizzatrice Conocer Sevilla
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