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Kayak in Huesca

With a kayak we can sail a river and get to amazing places, but the way to there is also worthy. While practicing this sport and learning its knacks, we’ll develop our adventurous spirit.In the Pyrenees in Huesca we have the best rivers for you to learn all about kayaking rough waters. Our experienced guides will accompany you through this learning process thanks to our personalized Kayak experiences. The instructor will adapt the training depending on the goals and needs of each individual or group.Perfect for improving or getting started at your own pace. You choose which days and for how many hours. A course tailored for you!Difficulty: LowDuration: Min. 2 hoursPlace: CampoDate: All along the yearAge: From 8 years oldPrice includesGuide trained for this activityNecessary technical equipmentAccident and Civil liability insurances Transportation for the activityOptional: extra transportation and photo report. Ask for informationYou will need: swimsuit, sunscreen and picnic

Prezzo A partire da: 85.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English
Luogo Huesca (Huesca) Aínsa-Sobrarbe (Huesca)
Durata  5 ore
Categoria dell'attività Attività in famiglia, Sport e avventura, Canottaggio, canoa e kayak
Per chi? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+
Impresa organizzatrice TURISMO VERDE - ALGESTUR
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