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Traditional Flamenco

This Flamenco Cultural Centre is situated right in the heart of Santa Cruz Neighbourhood (old Jewish quarter) in an 18th century house just a few steps from the Cathedral.Managed by Jose Luis Postigo, a renowned artist and a twice national award-winning flamenco guitarist (“Premio Nacional de Córdoba” and “Premio Nacional de la Cátedra de Flamencología de Jerez de la Frontera”). The centre offers the opportunity to experiment in an intimate and sincere way the principle flamenco styles through its three disciplines: THE DANCE, THE SINGING and THE GUITAR.Everyday two high quality shows at 19:30 and 21:00 h lasting one hour. The artists, some of which are national award-winning dancer and singer, change daily. Not only the best chance to visit the most important collection of guitars in Spain for free but also the place that turned into a full of pure passion space in the evening.

Prezzo A partire da: 17.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English, French
Luogo Seville (Seville)
Durata  1 ore
Categoria dell'attività Cultura spagnola e tradizioni, Flamenco
Per chi? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Impresa organizzatrice Casa de la Guitarra
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