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Montserrat Half Day Accessible Excursion

On this 5 hours private tour we will discover the magnificent beauty and rock formations of the UNESCO world heritage site: Montserrat mountains and Montserrat Monastery, spiritual heart of Catalunya and home to the mythical 12th century Black Virgin La Moreneta. The tour guide and your personal driver will meet you at your Hotel lobby and you will travel by car at an adapted minivan or minibus with tie-down system and AC.We will take a scenic drive all the way up to the monastery, passing by ancient villages and admiring the particular flora and fauna of the park. Once we reach our destination we will visit the Basilica of Montserrat and we will get deeper into the history of the Virgin of Montserrat known as "the Moreneta" patroness of Catalonia, which since the twelfth century attracts pilgrims from around the world . On weekdays we will also have the opportunity to hear one of the oldest and best known boys choirs in Europe, the “Escolania de Montserrat".The tour from the beginning to the end is accessible for people with impaired mobility and wheelchair users.

Prezzo A partire da: 115.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English, French, German, Italian
Luogo Barcelona (Barcelona)
Durata  5 ore
Categoria dell'attività Turismo urbano, Visite a musei e monumenti
Per chi? LGBTQI+, Senior, Adults without children, Families, Young people
Impresa organizzatrice Accessible Spain Travel
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