Roca dels Moros

Cogul, El


Discovered over one century ago, the rock paintings found on the walls of this natural shelter are among the earliest known examples of the style known as Levantine rock art.

This is a natural shelter formed by a stone block which projects from the side of a small ridge. In 1907 the rector of El Cogul discovered this series of paintings, which feature 45 human and animal figures (bulls, goats, deer), drawn in shades of red and black and grouped into various scenes. Particularly noteworthy is the depiction of the so-called 'phallic dance' showing a group of nine women around a naked man. The women are wearing long skirts and are bare-breasted. Around the outside of this scene are various figures of deer, bulls and hunters which appear to belong to an earlier period. There have been suggestions that this was once a shrine or a sacred site, which would explain both the superimposition of the figures and the existence of Iberian and Latin inscriptions.  

Roca dels Moros

Camí d’el Cogul a Albagés, km 1

25152  Cogul, El, Lleida  (Catalonia)