In the heart of the Sierra de Francia, in Salamanca, stands Miranda del Castañar. Its historic quarter has been declared a Property of Cultural Interest. The urban landscape of Miranda del Castañar is an ensemble of streets and buildings with a medieval air, made up of popular masonry and wooden constructions, typical of the Sierra de Salamanca, and crested noble houses in ashlar stone.
Touring the town is a journey to the past, when Jews and Moriscos lived in its streets. In addition to noble buildings and traditional dwellings, the town has other intriguing monuments. First on the list is the old wall that surrounds the city, with its four gates that give access to the historic area: the gates of San Ginés, la Villa, Nuestra Señora and Postigo. Particularly noteworthy is the area around the castle, which dates back to the 15th century, as well as the Plaza de Armas. Also worth mentioning are the Torre de las Campanas, a bell tower dating from the 17th century, located in the Plaza de la Iglesia; and the Alhóndiga building, the current seat of the Town Hall, which was built in 1585. Miranda del Castañar also preserves two of the five hermitages it once had: The Hermitage of El Humilladero and, outside the walled enclosures, the Hermitage of La Virgen de la Cuesta.
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