Santes Creus Royal Monastery Gardens

The most characteristic thing about the wonderful cloister at this monastery is the unusual washhouse, a small shelter set in the garden area with a large circular basin around a stone with a fountain and small water jets, completely covered with lichen and moss. The rest of the area is taken up by squares of Laurustinus and Japanese pittosporum hedges with small interior beds of a few roses. Eighteen orange trees surround the area and make one think of the close relationship between this tree and monastery cloisters, given that similar plantations were often to be found, as was the case at Guadalupe, which was known by the name, “orange tree cloister”. The beauty of the main cloister overshadows the peaceful tranquillity of the back cloister, which has been found to be difficult to date. It is much more simple, with low arches and no decorated capitals as can be found in the main cloister. Mention should be made of the simple sense of spirituality provided by a small fountain around which eight large cypress trees stand.
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Santes Creus Royal Monastery Gardens
Plaça Jaume el Just, s/n
43815 Santes Creus, Aiguamúrcia, Tarragona (Catalonia)
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