Grado Ethnographic Museum



  Created in 1982, this museum is focused on the culture of bread, and particularly emmer wheat, which was a staple cereal in the central and western parts of Asturias until the early 20th century. It thus covers the culture of central-western Asturias, an area which is famous for its food and agricultural products (tocinillo de cielo (an egg-based sweet desert), afuega'l pitu cheese, emmer bread and garden produce), as well as for its well-attended markets and fairs.

Grado Ethnographic Museum

- Sedes céntricas: Palacio de Fontela (C/ Eduardo Sierra, 10) y Palacio de Miranda-Valdecarzana (Casa de Cultura: C/ Cerro de la Muralla, s/n)

- Sede Cultura Tradicional y Guerra Civil: Polígono La Cardosa, s/n

33820  Grado, Asturias  (Principality of Asturias)

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