Atapuerca Experimental Archaeology Centre (CAREX)

Ibeas de Juarros
This site is dedicated to Emiliano Aguirre, paleontologist and founder of the scientific excavations carried out at the Sierra de Atapuerca site, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A multidisciplinary research team made up of professionals from a variety of branches has collaborated in these studies: Archaeologists, paleontologists, biologists, geologists...The Atapuerca CAREX aims to disseminate experimentation in the field of archaeology. It has two spaces: on the outside, visitors will discover a chronological journey through the history of technological innovations. Inside, visitors can see and touch many replicas of archaeological materials made using the same techniques from each era.
Atapuerca Experimental Archaeology Centre (CAREX)
Carretera de Logroño, 44
09198 Ibeas de Juarros, Burgos (Castilla y Leon)
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