Aiako Harria Natural Park

Aiako Harria Nature Reserve


The Basque massif

Aiako Harria Nature Reserve is situated on the spurs of the Pyrenees, at the eastern end of the province of Guipúzcoa. It encompasses the towns of Irún, Oiartzun, Rentería, Hernani and Donostia.

Aiako Harria possesses a complex relief, made up of a mosaic of mountains and gullies through which numerous streams run. Owing to their proximity to the sea they cover a considerable drop in a short journey. The vegetation in the Reserve is traditionally Atlantic. However, there are several Mediterranean elements in the lower and sunny sections. The forest that occupies the greatest area is the oak groves, which is found on the majority of the sides. The concentrations of beech trees, chestnut trees and pines. In terms of the Reserve's fauna, the presence of 170 species of vertebrates is worthy of note, including the birds that only appear in the area for wintering or on their migrations.

Aiako Harria Nature Reserve

Autopista Bilbao-Behobia, salidas Oiartzun-Irun (GI-3631), Lesaka (GI-3420) y Artikutza (GI-3633). Hernani, por Ereñozu. Errenteria, por Listorreta. Irun-Castillo del inglés-Elurretxe.

Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa  (Basque Country)

Type of area:Natural Park Area:6,912 hectares Tel.:+34 943 495 069 Tel.:+34 943494521 Website:Aiako Harria Nature Reserve Website:Aiako Harria Nature Reserve

Gipuzkoa (Basque Country):

Useful information

What you need to know

  • Cultural information

    Of the towns that form part of the Aiako Harria territory, the one that is most integrated in the landscape is Oiartzun.

  • Environmental information

    The predominant vegetation is made up of beech and oak groves. Meadows and pastureland also abound. In terms of the fauna, the booted eagle, honey buzzard, vulture, rock thrush, hawfinch, Iberian desman, European mink, wild cat and salmon.

  • Information for visits

    You can get to the Nature Park from Oiartzun, on the roads that go to Irún (GI-3631), Lesaka (GI-3420) and the Artikutza reservoir (GI-3633), and from Irún on the road mentioned above. From Hernani and Rentería, through Ventas de Astigarraga.