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Balloon flight in Andalucía

Our tourist passenger flights begin at dawn. Clients are picked up at a previously arranged meeting point and then taken to the take-off site. The site depends on the weather and the type of flight chosen. We fly throughout Andalusia over Guadix, Baza, Antequera, Cordoba, Seville, Ronda …Once the balloon is airborne, there are two factors which can affect us – the relief of the land with its resulting weather conditions, and the way the flight develops in itself. Flights last approximately one and a half hours.Having landed and the balloon deflated we perform our “air baptisms” and present a diploma as a memento of such a rewarding experience. Finally, we treat our clients to breakfast and return them to the departure point

Prix À partir de: 165.0€ par personne (taxes comprises)
Activités disponibles dans les langues suivantes Spanish, English
Lieu Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz) Granada (Granada) Guadix (Granada) Antequera (Malaga) Ronda (Malaga)
Durée  1 heures
Informations supplémentaires relatives aux dates all season
Catégorie de l'activité Sports et aventure, Vol en montgolfière
Pour qui ? Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Entreprise organisatrice Glovento Sur
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