Tabla de Pochico



Cave painting archaeological site

A UNESCO conference in Kyoto (Japan) in 1998, declared the Levantine Cave Painting Art in the Spanish Mediterranean Basin as a World Heritage site.

Aldeaquemada has a series of cave paintings, classified as 'schematic', in various parts of the region. There are a series of paintings depicting humans, hunting scenes and animals, while others are purely symbolic. One of the area's most representative works is the 'Tabla de Pochico' (Pochico Panel), which lies in Cimbarra waterfall Nature Park. UNESCO declared a total of 19 archaeological Levantine cave painting sites as World Heritage, including the 'Tabla de Pochico'.

Tabla de Pochico

Camino de la Cimbarra, a 1km. de Aldeaquemada

23215  Aldeaquemada, Jaén  (Andalusia) Tel.:+34 953 669 003 Tel.:+34 636 006 190 Website: