Archaeological Park of Calatrava la Vieja

Carrión de Calatrava

Ciudad Real

It is Arab in origin.

The building incorporates a major water defence system, in combination with various walls and barriers.

The Guadiana River itself served as a natural moat to the north side of the fortification. The rest of the wall was surrounded by an excavated ditch, 10 m deep, into which the water from the river flowed directly. It has 1,500 m of wall with 44 square turrets and two with a pentagonal floor plan. It has two side accesses and two outer towers. The site is divided into two areas: the Medina and the Alcázar The palace has a Templar apse which was never completed, and a 12-sided floor plan. Also of interest are the remains of the wrought ironwork, and the vaults in the different rooms.

Archaeological Park of Calatrava la Vieja

Carretera Nacional 420, de Ciudad Real a Carrión de Calatrava

13150  Carrión de Calatrava, Ciudad Real  (Castilla-La Mancha) Tel.:+34 926690654 Tel.:+34 926814081 Booking telephone number:+34 926690654