
Beach: Lobadiz

A Coruña

It is between Punta do Castro and Punta Lavandeira. It is sheltered beneath a small cliff just a few metres high. Facing the beach is Gaveiras Island.

Beach: Lobadiz

構成成分: pebbles, rock, sand

海水浴のコンディション: strong waves, windy

長さ: 75 m

幅: 15 m

混雑具合: low

都市化の度合い: isolated

ヨットハーバー: puerto deportivo de ferrol

ビーチへの距離: 12 km.

アクセス手段: Car

付近の道路: dp-3607. desvío doniños

最高気温: 14º 風: 5 km/h, NE