
Beach: Nerga



This attractive and busy beach has a number of infrastructures (showers, car park, civil protection, etc.). Nerga provides fantastic views of the Islas Cíes (Cíes Islands). Behind the beach we find sand dunes.

Beach: Nerga

構成成分: sand

砂の種類: white

海水浴のコンディション: moderate waves, windy

長さ: 700 m

幅: 30 m

都市化の度合い: isolated

ヨットハーバー: rodeira (cangas)

ビーチへの距離: 5 km.

アクセス手段: On foot easy,Car

付近の道路: cangas - cabo home

Toilets, showers, footwash, litter bin, cleaning service

最高気温: 22º 風: 15 km/h, N