
Beach: Isla Canela


This is a very broad beach located at the mouth of the Guadiana river. The beach is part of the Marismas de Isla Cristina nature area, and is home to an abundance of animal life. Its vast sand dunes give it a wild appearance, while its endless stretches of sand are an invitation to take long walks. It has a full range of services and infrastructures –including accesses adapted for people with reduced mobility–, in addition to a nearby urban area. Before reaching the beach there is a bike lane and a promenade surrounded by vegetation.


Beach: Isla Canela

構成成分: sand

砂の種類: golden

海水浴のコンディション: calm waters

長さ: 1500 m

幅: 40 m

混雑具合: high

都市化の度合い: urban

ヨットハーバー: punta del moral

ビーチへの距離: 4 km.

アクセス手段: On foot easy

付近の道路: n-431, a-49

Sunshade rental, sun lounger rental, water craft rental, toilets, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service, telephone, sports area, children's play area

最高気温: 18º 体感温度: 涼しい 風: 緩やか うねり: 中程度 水温: 19º