

Torre Bellesguard

The Torre Bellesguard, which is currently owned by the Guilera family who still live in part of the house, was designed by Antoni Gaudí and built between 1900 and 1909.The building has straight lines which were seldom seen in his work and was inspired by the medieval castle where King Martin the Humane once lived, parts of which can still be seen in the gardens of the house.The history of Bellesguard is closely linked to the history of Catalonia as it dates back to the Middle ages when Martin the Humane gave the site its current name and built his home there. It was also the place where one of Catalonia's most famous bandits, Serrallonga, used to hide out after committing his crimes, and also played an important role in the historic events of 1714.The building takes its name from its strategic position and magnificent views – in Catalan "Bellesguard" means "beautiful views" or "good viewing point". Bellesguard and the crypt of the Colonia Güell are buildings which Gaudí used as test beds for the architectural solutions he would later apply to the Sagrada Familia.What does your booking include?:- Audioguided tour: audio guide of the gardens and inside the Torre Bellesguard in English, Catalan, Spanish, French, Japanese and Russian + informative leaflet.- Guided tour: guided tour of the gardens and inside the Torre Bellesguard for small groups (18 people max.) in their requested language.

料金 最安値: 10.0€ 1人当たり(税込み)
アクティビティは次の言語で利用可能です Spanish, English, French
場所 Barcelona (Barcelona)
日数  1 時間
アクティビティのカテゴリー 市内観光, ミュージアムとモニュメントの見学
対象者 Adults without children, Families, Young people, Senior
企画会社 Turisme de Barcelona