

Roman Villa "El Ruedo"

From the Emperor Augustus stood at Andalusia province.It was discovered in the late 80s early 90s in connection with the construction of the A-339 and declared of Cultural Interest. Romanization made ??the Iberian assimilate indigenous lifestyles and culture of the Roman conquerors. The field was the source of wealth and supplies for the city, and hence the importance acquired by the "Villae" such as "The Turn", units of agricultural exploitation, sort of cottages, exploiting a property or "fundus" residential areas to the rest of the owners fleeing the city and work areas.Notable elevations of the walls, the richness of its architectural elements: mosaics, paintings, flooring and sculpture mainly Greco-Roman God "Hypnos" or "Somnus".

料金 最安値: 2.5€ 1人当たり(税込み)
アクティビティは次の言語で利用可能です Spanish, English
場所 Almedinilla (Cordoba)
日数  45 分
アクティビティのカテゴリー スペイン文化と伝統, 市内観光, 都市巡り
対象者 Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
企画会社 Almedinilla Turismo