

Meet Itálica

Meet Italica is a guided tour of the wonderful archaeological site located in Santiponce.Sevilla, called by Julius Caesar in 45 B.C. "Colonia Julia Romula Hispalis" was an important city in the Roman Empire, but it was not the first Roman settlement on the peninsula. This honor lies Italica.Located very close, in the town of Santiponce, we have access to the archaeological site of Italica, the birthplace of two emperors of ancient Rome, Trajan and Hadrian.The origin of this Roman city is found in 206 B.C. and it was used as a military camp after fighting against the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars. He soon became an important strategic enclave due to its geographical location. The remains that have reached us are what he called Garcia Bellido "Nova Urbs" to distinguish it from the "Urbs Vetus", the latter situated below the village of Santiponce.The found remains tell us of an important city, and not less important than Roman senators characters.How the Romans lived here then? What did they do in their spare time, how amused, they were debating what? Meet Italica with GuiArte, where we propose a didactic itinerary as guided tour, which will discuss these and many other details about the archaeological site of Italica through the display of spectacular remains that have come down to us: their paved streets, water mains, its beautiful mosaics or its spectacular Amphitheatre, one of the largest in the entire Roman Empire.

料金 最安値: 9.0€ 1人当たり(税込み)
アクティビティは次の言語で利用可能です Spanish, English
場所 Santiponce (Seville)
日数  2 時間, 30 分
日付に関する追加の情報 Since September we made this tour at least twice a month, but if you are a group of 6 or more can book and we make it for you
アクティビティのカテゴリー 市内観光, 都市巡り
対象者 LGBTQI+, Senior, Adults without children, Families, Young people
企画会社 GuiArte Sevilla