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Routes in horse
Feels the movement to loins of a horse for our province and the rest of Andalusia, your you can choose the route that more you like in different environments according to your preferences, saw, field, beach, fertile plaine of the guadalquivir, etc ..., always I will accompany and do you of guide. All the horses that we put to your disposition are suitable both for beginners and for experienced riders. During the experience you mostraré the culture of the horse established in our environment.
Od: 49.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach:
Spanish, English, French
Córdoba (Cordoba)
Adamuz (Cordoba)
Almodóvar del Río (Cordoba)
Carlota, La (Cordoba)
Hornachuelos (Cordoba)
Montoro (Cordoba)
Posadas (Cordoba)
Villafranca de Córdoba (Cordoba)
Czas trwania
2 godz.
Kategoria atrakcji
Sport i przygoda, Jeździectwo, Przyroda, Inne zajęcia na świeżym powietrzu
Dla kogo?
Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
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