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Geotourism: Of reefs and beaches Costa Quebrada

This experience is, a guided walking itinerary with a natural heritage specialist, aimed at using the diverse geological and landscape resources of the itinerary in Costa Quebrada, which are sometimes presented in a very spectacular way, to understand a striking landscape that has a lot of interesting information to offer to the public. This itinerary allows us to unravel, through the reading of different landscape, geological, and historical-artistic elements of the Magdalena Peninsula, its fascinating geological history, which takes us back to the Cretaceous period, the last stage of thedinosaur era. The evidence found in this place enables us to embark on a journey back in time, encountering a planet very different from what we know today. The environments in which the rocks were formed here are similar to those found in other parts of the world today, allowing us to imagine what the planet Earth and Cantabria were like during those times.This itinerary is accessible to people with reduced mobility or other types of disabilities, and it is designed to accommodate these individuals. In cases where there are no participants with such profiles, the itinerary will include an additional section that enters the beach's sand, provided that the tides and sea conditions allow it. The contents of this experience are structured into 10 interpretative stations.

Cena Od: 3.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English
Miejsce Santander (Cantabria)
Czas trwania  2 godz., 30 min
Kategoria atrakcji Sport i przygoda, Przyroda, Ekoturystyka, Piesze wędrówki
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
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