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Gastronomic & Cultural Basque Country

We have designed this trip thinking about not very active customers, looking more for cultural and gastronomic aspects, as well as lovers of an easy going concept. All the different scenarios we will visit while crossing from the north French Country to the southern Navarre, are joined by a common culture and local language called Euskera / Basque. Charming and authentic hotels, various gastronomic experiences, winery traditions, peaceful cycling routes, and walks along the border and magical painted forests are some of the aspects to be recreated. Be sure that cooking lovers will get back home with a new secret.Includes:. 9 nights at Hotels with breakfast included.. A van or minibus; depending on the group size, for transfers and daily assistance during the trip.. An English speaking leading guide . All meals based on a previously fixed but varied menu. 24 hours assistance for any contingency may occur . Bicycles rental.. Guggenheim Museum guided visit and entrance tickets.

Cena Od: 4227.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English
Miejsce San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa - Gipuzkoa)
Czas trwania 9 dni
Kategoria atrakcji Sport i przygoda, Turystyka rowerowa, Wino i kuchnia, Zwiedzanie winiarni i degustacje, Przyroda, Piesze wędrówki
Dla kogo? LGBTQI+, Senior, Adults without children, Families, Young people
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