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Flamenco dramatised and historical Route

Flamenco Route Madrid is a touristic and cultural experience that invites you to participate in a dramatised tour about the history of flamenco art that will captivate all your sense and infuse you with its most authentic flavours in one of its most important headquarters: Madrid. We invite you to awaken your inner “duende”. We all feel a special tingle, something that captivate us when we see “real” flamenco dancing, singing or playing. Our esteemed Federico G. Lorca said “duende” occupies the innermost rooms of our essence, and this is what we will seek along with you throughout the streets of Madrid. Discover the most iconic sites but also the hidden ones, which inside you, are yet to be discovered …Come along to one of our flamenco tours in Madrid!

Cena Od: 80.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English, French
Miejsce Madrid (Madrid)
Czas trwania  3 godz., 30 min
Kategoria atrakcji Kultura i tradycje Hiszpanii, Flamenco, Turystyka miejska, Miejskie szlaki
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organizator Flamenco Route Madrid
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