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Fishingtrip Alcudia

Olga Capote is the unique woman at the helm of a fishing boat in Mallorca. Her crew speaks fluent German and can also address you in English. Es Batlets is a modern and wide fiber boat, of about 10 meter long, equipped with a cabin and a kitchen. Go out from Alcúdia to fish grouper, dentex, scorpionfish or sheepshead from Monday to Saturday and all year round. Olga is the best person to escort you in this adventure and to prepare for you freshly caught fish from the nets or a traditional pa amb oli with typical Majorcan sausages at no cost because it is included in the price of the excursion. You will enjoy the watching of dolphins and sail across the most stunning spots of Mallorca. This excursion includes the possibility to actively participate at a Fishing Demo. We will provide you at no cost with a fishing line or a fishing rod.Children 50% discount.

Cena Od: 115.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English, French, German
Miejsce Alcúdia (Majorca)
Czas trwania  6 godz.
Dodatkowe informacje o datach / terminach From Monday to Saturday and all year round
Kategoria atrakcji Zajęcia nad morzem, Tradycje rybackie, Zajęcia rodzinne, Przyroda
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organizator Pescaturismo
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