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Canyoning Aquatic in Huesca

Enjoy the amazing experience of descending a canyon, jumping, abseiling, sliding down a natural slide ... Without a doubt, canyoning is the most complete and fun activity that can be done on the mountain.The area of Aínsa - Ordesa, in the Pyrenees, is the best spot for canyoning in Spain. The possibilities are endless, we have perfect canyons for families and children and for the most extreme adventurers.The price includes: Qualified Proffesional GuideAccident and Rescue InsuranceHomologated EquipmentPhoto Album (Canyoning)Backpack and Watertight Pot9 seater vehicle support

Cena Od: 49.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English, French
Miejsce Aínsa-Sobrarbe (Huesca)
Czas trwania  4 godz.
Dodatkowe informacje o datach / terminach The season for activities of aquatic canyoning is between March and November.
Kategoria atrakcji Sport i przygoda, Canyoning
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organizator we are canyoneers
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