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Birdwatching in Sierra Morena: Sierra de Andújar

The activity includes a guided tour in a 4x4 car with the aim of spotting as many birds as possible in Sierra Morena, mainly in the Sierra de Andújar Natural Park and its surroundings.This protected natural area currently shelters a significant number of species, among which are some endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, such as the Iberian Imperial Eagle, the Iberian Green Woodpecker or the Iberian Magpie, which have in this area one of their largest refuges worldwide.Depending on the time of the year, we will be able to observe other species such as the restless Dartford warbler, the Woodchat shrike or the Great spotted cuckoo, which is more closely linked to livestock areas as it uses them as a breeding ground.Our guides will help you to recognize the observed species, offering you different guidelines, as well as to detect and identify them by their song. In addition, a bird guide will be at your disposal so that you can check each species, and a birdlist so that you can mark the species we are observing.INCLUDES?- 4x4 vehicles.- Expert local guides.- Civil Liability Insurance and authorizations.- Reference bibliography.- Optical material (binoculars and Swarovski telescope).- Breakfast of local products (part-time) or breakfast and lunch of local products (full-time).Ask us for the price.

Cena Od: 60.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English
Miejsce Andújar (Jaén) Baños de la Encina (Jaén) Carolina, La (Jaén) Guarromán (Jaén) Santa Elena (Jaén)
Czas trwania  10 godz.
Dodatkowe informacje o datach / terminach Recommended time: spring, fall and winter Two modalities: Half day: 6 hours Full day: 10 hours
Kategoria atrakcji Sport i przygoda, Trasy terenowe, Przyroda, Obserwacja ptaków, Ekoturystyka
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organizator Birds&Lynx Ecotourism
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