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Balloon ride

Meet us in the meeting point for take-off. Once all of our guests have checked in, you will receive a brief orientation from our hospitality staff, and then it’s off to the launch site!Upon arrival to our launch site you will have the opportunity to see the final steps of our balloons being inflated. Once everyone has been comfortably assisted into the baskets’s time to fly!Get ready for the ride of your life! Launching at sunrise when the winds are light and temperature is cool is a very exhilarating experience in itself, once the balloon leaves the ground you feel as though you are becoming one with the crisp morning air. Before you know it, you are peacefully floating above the landscapes. Ballooning offers a unique perspective giving you a new appreciation for the true beauty of the region.All good things must come to an end; however the fun is definitely not over yet. Once you land, we host a Spanish cava Brunch celebration in the landing spot. There you will have the opportunity to revel in the experience you all just shared while sipping on Cava and enjoying a typical Spanish brunch that will have you going back for more. After that our balloon guests our hospitality staff will bring you back to the meeting point.

Cena Od: 190.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English
Miejsce Toledo (Toledo) Salamanca (Salamanca) Segovia (Segovia) Aranjuez (Madrid)
Czas trwania  3 godz.
Dodatkowe informacje o datach / terminach In Segovia we have balloon ride daily but you must check our flying schedule for the others spots.
Kategoria atrakcji Sport i przygoda, Wycieczki balonem
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organizator Siempre en las nubes
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