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Albufera: Lake, Paella and Birdwatching

Albufera means nature, gastronomy, birdwatching, culture and history. Today we will discover the waterland were the famous Valencian rice is grown for paella and we will watch local fauna and flora. The Park was declared in 1986 and since then are thousands visitors who decide to visit every year.During the tour we will visit the bird observatory, where is possible (depends on the year time) to see flamingos, herons, storks or different kind of ducks. Then you will learn about the rice and the local culture and traditions embarking on a boat to do a ride on the lagoon and pass by some rice fields. We can see some typical "Barracas" (local farmers building) and the we Will finish on a tablet sharing the most popular Dish in Valencia and Spain, Paella (meal included).

Cena Od: 118.0euro za osobę (podatki wliczone w cenę)
Atrakcje dostępne w następujących językach: Spanish, English
Miejsce Valencia (Valencia)
Czas trwania  7 godz.
Kategoria atrakcji Kultura i tradycje Hiszpanii, Przyroda, Obserwacja ptaków
Dla kogo? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organizator Integra-T Experience
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