Turista en el Balcón del Mediterráneo en Benidorm, C. Valenciana

Enter for a chance to win a 5-day trip for two to Spain!

Discover the beauty of Spain as you stay in the unique and luxurious Parador hotels. The prize is for 5 days accommodation in a Parador & return flights to Spain for two people.

Register and take part to win a trip filled with unique and unforgettable moments.




Discover the Paradores experience. Enjoy Spain through this original and unique hotel alternative that combines cultural, gastronomic and nature tourism, and which is firmly committed to sustainability. 

Imágenes de Paradores

Nature and sustainability

Discover the beauty of Spain, a haven for lovers of sustainable tourism. Over a quarter of Spain's territory is dedicated to the preservation of nature. Come and enjoy our cultural attractions in spectacular natural surroundings.

Arriba izquierda: Claustro del Parador de León / Arriba Derecha: Turista oliendo lavanda / Abajo: Parador de Granada

Thousands of reasons to visit Spain

Be fascinated by some of the most amazing monuments and artistic heritage in the world. Enjoy natural landscapes that make you breathe in deeply and forget about your worries, leaving you to enjoy the present moment. And taste our famous gastronomy and wines, that  give you infinite reasons to eat well.

Arriba izquierda: Claustro San Mateo en el Parador de Santiago de Compostela / Arriba Derecha: Interior Parador de Sigüenza / Abajo: Amigos brindando con vino