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Historic Tour Seville

At the time of the Almoravids, Seville was the best walled city in Europe. Following the riots of 1868 the revolutionaries toppled much of those walls, leaving sections of Macarena, Puerta de Córdoba and Alcázar. In this route, we’ll show where were the doors of Seville, where they agreed carriages, its mysteries, their stories; and take a cycling tour of the historic round, seeing the defensive route of the old Seville. Puerta Carmona, Puerta Osario, Puerta Triana, reviewing all, stopping at each one. See other historic Seville, in addition to the monumental.Including bilingual guide, water bottle, map and helmet for kids.

Стоимость От: 20.0€ на человека (включая налоги)
Мероприятия доступны на следующих языках Spanish, English, French, German, Italian
Место Seville (Seville)
Продолжительность  3 часы
Дополнительные сведения о датах Every day, at 10:30h. and 17:30h.
Категория мероприятия Испанская культура и традиции, Спорт и приключения, Велотуризм, Городской туризм, Городские туры
Для кого? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Компания-организатор CENTERBICI
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