Beach: Luaña

Alfoz de Lloredo


It is an entrance to the sea between the towns of Luaña and Cobreces. The beach is known by the name of either of the two towns which shelter it. It is a large stretch of sand which has small rocks at just one end. On the beach itself there is a bar-restaurant service and a campsite right next to the beach. You can park on the beach itself, as there are no problems with space.

Beach: Luaña

Покрытие: sand

Тип песка: golden

Условия купания: moderate waves, windy

Длина: 400 m

Ширина: 70 m

Близость к населенному пункту: isolated

Спортивный порт: suances

Расстояние до пляжа: 12 km.

Как добраться: Car

Ближайшее шоссе: ca-357

Sun lounger rental, showers, litter bin, cleaning service, children's play area, surf practice area

Максимальная температура: 19º Температурное ощущение: прохладно Ветер: умеренный Волны: умеренное Температура воды: 12º
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