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Visit Quinta Sardonia Winery
Quinta Sardonia 's Winery is located in Sardón de Duero, 22 km from Valladolid, where it is probably one of the oldest estate in Spain.In Quinta Sardonia there is another way to do things... The interpretation of our farm is based on the knowledge of the different types of soil and the behavior of the strain in each of them. The visit to the winery shows us how through respect for the rhythms and principles of biodynamics, a good development and expression of the grape is achieved.After a guided tour of the vineyard and the winery, it’s time to taste our wines Sardón and Quinta Sardonia.
От: 18.0€ на человека (включая налоги)
Мероприятия доступны на следующих языках
Spanish, English
Sardón de Duero (Valladolid)
2 часы
Дополнительные сведения о датах
Saturdays and Sundays, for other days check availability
Категория мероприятия
Вино и гастрономия, Винодельни и дегустация вин
Для кого?
Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
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