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Gymkhana of Adventure Sports

The Gymkhana of Adventure Sports is a very fun and exciting activity.Parents and children will practice rock climbing, with a wide range of equipment, harness, helmet and rope. The activity will be guided by our climbing instructors that are fully qualified and everyone will receive a personal attention when climbing.In addition, balance games in a Slackline and a team race will test you about the nature knowledge.Are you ready to overcome the law of gravity? Will you be able to cross the Slack?

Стоимость От: 20.0€ на человека (включая налоги)
Мероприятия доступны на следующих языках Spanish, English
Место Cercedilla (Madrid) Torrelodones (Madrid)
Продолжительность  3 часы
Категория мероприятия Семейный отдых, Спорт и приключения, Скалолазание, альпинизм и дюльфер, Природа, Другие занятия на свежем воздухе, Парки развлечений
Для кого? Families, Young people, LGBTQI+
Компания-организатор Gaia. La Montaña Sostenible
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