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The Ancient Thermal Bath

Lose yourself in a journey of sensations, by candlelight and in a historic building, that consists of a tour at your own pace through thermal baths at different temperatures including the Caldarium (Hot Bath 102ºF), the Frigidarium (Cold Bath 57ºF and Ice Bath 50ºF), the Tepidarium (Warm Bath 97ºF), the Balneum (Bath of a Thousand Jets), the Laconicum (A steam Room with aromatherapy) and the Flotarium (Salt Water Bath) .

Стоимость От: 36.0€ на человека (включая налоги)
Мероприятия доступны на следующих языках Spanish, English, French, German, Italian
Место Seville (Seville)
Продолжительность  1 часы, 30 мин.
Дополнительные сведения о датах Open daily except December 25 and January 1
Категория мероприятия Оздоровление, Арабские бани
Для кого? Adults without children, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
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