Cabárceno Wildlife Park

This nature reserve is in a man-made setting created on a karstic landscape on 750 hectares of an old open-cut mine. It features many animals threatened with extinction, like African elephants, Grévy's zebras and white rhinoceros.
Conceived with the purpose of educating, promoting cultural and scientific knowledge, and for recreation, it has become one of Cantabria's most popular tourist attractions. It houses more than one hundred animal species from all five continents, which can be seen practically in the wild, as they are housed in large areas in completely natural settings. The circuit is designed to offer a sighting of all the animals, and features 20 kilometres of roads which enable visitors to reach all the park's large enclosures both on foot and by car, with views of beautiful gorges and peaceful lakes on the way. It also has an environmental classroom and a reptile house with numerous varieties of snakes. There are several car parks, recreational areas, picnic areas, viewing points, botanical routes, restaurants, children's play park …
Cabárceno Wildlife Park
39690 Obregón, Villaescusa, Cantabria (Cantabria)
Activa JS