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Geocaching of the little farmer

Do you want to enjoy a day with your family or friends getting to know Galicia while having fun treasure hunting?Discover with Experiencias del Destino «O Geocaching do Pequeno Labrego»: a game known worldwide. A treasure or ‘cache’ hunt or that combines culture, technology, sports and fun. Grab your phone, open the app and find the best kept treasures of Galicia with your compass ...These little treasures were hidden by a farm boy a long time ago. This little guy enjoyed leaving his print along the most singular enclaves in Galicia, where his father and grandfather lived many adventures, that still to this day they share with him. Our little friend won´t only mark the spots that we shouldn´t, but he will invite you to know the curiosities and stories of the past and the present.Following his steps and after choosing the geodestiny you want to discover, it's time to get going. Prepare the Geocaching application and get ready to find the "caches" of Experiencias del Destino. We will offer you clues to find it, as well as information that our friend shared about that spot. The little farm boy will guide you digitally, so you do not miss the best that Galicia has to offer.Some "caches" will be found in places of incredible scenery, others next to the most representative monuments and others will make you wonder about what they meant to him.Dare to discover Galicia at the hand of its most precious treasures? Suitable for children of all ages, for adults, regardless of physical condition ... You just have to let yourself be guided!This experiencie is available on all 14 of Galicia’s touristic geodestinies: Rías Altas, Costa da Morte, Terras de Santiago, Mariña Lucense, Lugo e A Terra Chá, Ancares-Courel, Ribeira Sacra, O Ribeiro, Terras de Ourense e Allariz, Celanova-Limia, Verín-Viana, Manzaneda-Trevinca, Rías Baixas y Deza-Tabeirós.

Стоимость От: 200.0€ на человека (включая налоги)
Мероприятия доступны на следующих языках Spanish, English
Место La Coruña (A Coruña) Ferrol (A Coruña) Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) Lugo (Lugo) Orense (Ourense) Pontevedra (Pontevedra) Vigo (Pontevedra)
Продолжительность  8 часы
Дополнительные сведения о датах This activity has a variable duration, you decide the route and the time. The Geocaching do Pequeno Labrego activity is free of charge. You can play on your own or with your friends with the help of a mobile phone. If you want a monitor to accompany you or your group, we can put one at your disposal for the price shown. Also with this pack we will provide power banks for phones and a cache search kit. Check your options with us!
Категория мероприятия Природа, Другие занятия на свежем воздухе
Для кого? Young people, Families, Adults without children, Senior, LGBTQI+
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