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The Cathedral of Seville

There is no doubt that the Cathedral of Seville, also know as the Magna Hispalensis, is one of the monuments visitors cannot missed. It is surprising in itself. It has more than 700 pictures of high quality. The altarpiece is the largest of Christendom and it is the largest Gothic building in the world. It also has a fabulous collection of sculptures, surprising Renaissance rooms... and, of course, La Giralda.

Prezzo A partire da: 15.0€ a persona (tasse comprese)
Attività disponibili nelle seguenti lingue Spanish, English
Luogo Seville (Seville)
Durata  1 ore, 30 minuti
Informazioni aggiuntive sulle date Schedule: Mondays to Saturdays at 11.30 a.m. Meeting point: Entrance of Salvador Church.
Categoria dell'attività Turismo urbano, Visite a musei e monumenti
Per chi? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Impresa organizzatrice Conocer Sevilla
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