
Parish Museum of Covarrubias


Van Eyck or Berruguete?

The museum exhibits a valuable collection of ornaments.

The Covarrubias Parish Museum's collection dates from the 15th and 16th centuries, with items of precious metalwork, sculpture, ceramics and paintings. Worthy of special mention are the Calahorra Parish Cross, the panel depicting the Virgin Mary attributed to Van Eyck, and another by Pedro Berruguete. The most highly-prized piece at the museum, however, is the triptych of the Magi, in polychromed wood, attributed to Gil de Siloé. You can also see sculptures from the 15th-18th centuries. Inside the church are the tombs of Fernán González and Doña Urraca.

Parish Museum of Covarrubias

Iglesia colegiata de San Cosme y San Damián

Plaza Rey Chindasvinto, 3

09346  Covarrubias, Burgos  (Castilla y Leon)

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