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The details included on this form will be used according to the norms established by the Spanish Personal Data Protection Act, Organic Law 15/1999, strictly abiding by the aims and limitations set out therein, and respecting all rights established and protected by said Law. Users providing personal details expressly consent to their inclusion in a database of personal details under the exclusive responsibility of the Instituto de Turismo de España (hereafter, “Turespaña”), and to their processing, digital or otherwise, for use by Turespaña in its register of users, or for reporting website errors. The form used to collect the details shall indicate if they are optional or required. Should users refuse to provide the data marked as required, they will not be authorised access to the service for which they were requested. The organisation responsible for the file is Turespaña, with company ID number Q-2829013-H, and with head office at Calle José Lázaro Galdiano, 41, Madrid 28020. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation by sending written notification together with a copy of their national ID card or equivalent document to the above address, indicating the right they wish to exercise.