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Visit to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville

Through this guided visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Seville, Naturanda highlights the illustrious Sevillian painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. In this guided tour we will bring visitors closer to the most famous works of famous painters and other illustrous artists of different centuries, grouped therein.The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville was an old convent, de la Merced. It had splendor in the seventeenth century and inside it you can still see all the religious reminiscence of those days in the city where Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer lived at the same time you can marvel at his painting collection.The Museum of Fine Arts in Seville can boast of being the second most important public art gallery in Spain, after the Prado Museum in Madrid, and inside it houses numerous masterpieces from Romanesque art to the twentieth century.Visitors can enjoy original pieces of Sevillian baroque painting, where artists such as Zurbarán, Murillo and Valdés Leal, stand out, among others.We will go deeper into the most unique works of the museum, observing all its details and curiosities that will leave you absorbed in the indescribable works of art that it has.Included: Professional guide, guide trip inside the Museum of Fine Arts and access tickets.

Price From: 12.0€ per person (taxes included)
Activities available in the following languages Spanish, English
Place Seville (Seville)
Duration  1 hours, 30 minutes
Activity category City tourism, Visits to museums and sights
Who is it for? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organising company Naturanda Turismo Ambiental
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