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Make your scuba diving debut in Mataró

Near Barcelona there are coves with all kinds of marine species. The Blaumar diving centre invites you to make your first foray into the world of scuba diving with all the equipment and know-how you'll need to enjoy this thrilling activity. You'll climb aboard the boat and when you get to the designated spot the guide will give you step-by-step instructions and explain everything you'll need to know so you can begin to dive, enjoying the almost total silence accompanied only by the sound of your breathing. Enjoy the biodiversity of the surroundings: fish, starfish, corals and the seaweed billowing to the rhythm of the waves. Embark on this thrilling adventure!. In just three hours you'll learn the basics of scuba diving, cool off in the water and discover a different world far from the noise and bustle of the city. You'll receive a diploma at the end of your dive. What does your booking include?:- A professional diving instructor.- Boat trip.- Equipment.- Showers and changing rooms available.- 3-hour scuba diving course.- Photo report.

Price From: 80.0€ per person (taxes included)
Activities available in the following languages Spanish, English
Place Barcelona (Barcelona)
Duration  3 hours
Activity category Sport and adventure, Scuba diving
Who is it for? Adults without children, Families, Young people, Senior
Organising company Turisme de Barcelona
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