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Barcelona wine routes

Exclusive and sustainable wine tourism. Barcelona is a world-class wine tourism destination, because it has wines from five different Designations of Origin: Alella, Catalonia, Cava, Penedès, and Pla de Bages, which are between 20 ‘and 60’ minutes from the city center . Because you will also enjoy the wines of other denominations such as Corpinat, Clàssic Penedès, Vins del Vallès, etc. Because you will find mountain vineyards, in the Pyrenees, and others that cradle the Mediterranean, even close to the city, in Collserola or Badalona. Because it has one of the best gastronomic offers, but it also offers culture, heritage, history, tradition, and above all its lifestyle. For all this, Barcelona is one of the best places in the world for wine tourism. Come and discover it!

Price From: 725.0€ per person (taxes included)
Activities available in the following languages Spanish, English
Place Alella (Barcelona) Sallent (Barcelona) Sant Fruitós de Bages (Barcelona) Sant Sadurní d'Anoia (Barcelona) Vallromanes (Barcelona) Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona)
Duration 4 days
Activity category Excursions and tours, Multi-day tours, Gastronomy and wine, Visits to wineries and wine tastings
Who is it for? Adults without children, Families, Young people, LGBTQI+, Senior
Organising company VIEMOCIONS
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