Lleida Diocesan and District Museum


This centre features museum collections from the city of Lleida and the surrounding area that have been donated by numerous cultural institutions.

The museum comprises collections donated mainly by the Lleida Studies Institute, the old diocesan museum of Lleida and the Lleida Cathedral Chapter. Through these donations, the museum has managed to obtain pieces dating from the Bronze Age and Ilergete Period, as well as others from the rich Bajo Segre archaeological sites. It also has an a collection of old religious art and is home to the Lleida Cathedral Treasure. The museum is conceived as an educational space and contains several information points in order to encourage participation by visitors.

Lleida Diocesan and District Museum

C/ San Crist, 1

25002  Lleida, Lérida, Lleida  (Catalonia)

Email:museu@museudelleida.cat Tel.:+34 973 283 075 Website:www.museudelleida.cat
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