View the white village of Olvera in Cadiz

Towns and villages on the Andalusian Coast where you can disconnect


If you are looking for a few days rest by the sea, southern Spain has so much to offer you in Andalusia. Its coast, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, is famous for its miles long beaches boasting all types of services, pretty villages with white-washed houses and thousands of cultural options and entertainment for disconnecting from your daily routine. Choose Andalusia and soak up the joy of southern Spain.Here we make an east to west tour of some of Andalusia’s coastal towns and villages.

Costa de Almería

The coastof Almería is well known for its coves and practically untouched beaches where you can enjoy the sea in complete tranquillity. The environment of Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park has some of the best examples, as well as volcanic landscapes of outstanding beauty. Some good options from its towns and villages include Mojácar (with its picturesque outline of white houses), the fishing port of Carboneras and Roquetas de Mar (with its long beaches). An important fact to remember: this is perhaps the sunniest region in Europe, and it enjoys this weather for almost 95% of the year.

Costa Tropical

The Mediterranean continues in Andalusia towards Granada. Did you know that its more than 70 kilometres of coastline are known as the Tropical Coast? This is because it has over 320 days a year of sun and average temperature of 20 degrees.

Top left: Indalo in Mojácar. Top right: Cabo de Gata. Below: Roquetas de Mar Port

Its landscapes are formed with a combination of sea and mountains with rural areas of great interest such as the Sierra Nevada National Park or Las Alpujarras. Motril, with its interesting old quarter, is the most densely populated town on the coast. Salobreña catches ones attention because its white houses sweep down a hill opposite the sea towards its Moorish castle. Almuñécar boasts large beaches lapped by turquoise water, which are protected by the mountains.

Costa del Sol

Malaga and Marbella are the two largest international cities on the Costa del Sol. A paradise for golfers and a delight for their companions. Apart from the wide range of cultural, leisure and retail activities offered by the two large cities on this coastline, you can find squares and streets full of charm in places like Benalmádena, Mijas or Estepona.

Right: Beach in Almuñecar. Left: Aerial view of Pradollano in the Sierra Nevada National Park

Pretty hidden gems with narrow streets running between white-washed houses adorned with flowers and small terraces where you can sit, relax and soak up the moment. And the nearest beach is never far away to enjoy the Mediterranean.

Costa de la Luz

Next we come to the Costa de la Luz, which extends between the provinces of Cadiz and Huelva. Its name (“Coast of Light”) is not by chance and responds to the area’s luminosity. There are over 200 kilometres of coastline in total with some of the very best beaches in Spain.Cadiz is the country’s most southerly point and where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. Here you can find pretty towns and villages with sea views at almost any point of the coast between San Roque and Sanlúcar de Barrameda.

Sunset in Doñana National Park

For example, Vejer de la Frontera is a maze of narrow streets dotted with white houses and fantastic viewpoints over the Mediterranean. Conil de la Frontera is a small, peaceful village located between extensive golden sand beaches. And places like Zahara de los Atunes or Los Caños de Meca are havens for unwinding. The long beaches continue in Huelva, with municipalities such as Punta Umbría and Islantilla, which are particularly family oriented. This area is characterised by its marshlands and the presence of Doñana National Park. For this, if you stay in municipalities such as Moguer, Palos de la Frontera or Ayamonte, you will be able to enjoy the extensive, peaceful, practically untouched beaches in Torre del Loro, La Bota, Los Enebrales or Cuesta Maneli, among other places.

Top: Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz. Bottom left: Fountain in Vejer de la Frontera. Bottom right: General view of Vejer de la Frontera (©Rafa G.Bonilla)
Almadraba tuna

Flavours of the Andalusian Coast

Good food is an essential ingredient of a few days of relaxation and in the south of Andalusia you can find some really tasty dishes to enjoy at mealtime. There are famous dishes such as gazpacho or salmorejo (two cold soups featuring tomato as the main ingredient) and essential products like extra virgin olive oil or Iberian cured ham, but as this trip takes in the coast, here we highlight some of the region’s most popular fish and seafood products.Some star dishes include: the prawns from Huelva, pescaíto frito (fried fish), tuna from almadraba, typical above all in Cadiz, the espetos de sardinas (sardine skewers grilled on the beach) particularly popular in Malaga, the seafood soup in Almería (normally prepared with monkfish and shellfish), moraga de sardina (a typical sardine stew from Granada and Malaga) and the salted fish and seafood along the entire coast.